The trip from Finland to the Magis headquarters via Venice is always a cultural trip to Italy. Not only because of the architecture, but also because of the culinary culture and the social interactions. Upon arrival at the Magis office, following the warm welcome, the first question is always “fish or meat”, which indicates that a table will be reserved at a good restaurant, no matter how far it might be.
To me, Venice represents the best and most interesting architecture of its time, and so does the modern building housing the headquarters of Magis, with its closed façade like an ancient Roman home, but inside it is very green and light, with a modern garden office. Since my studio/home is situated on a beautiful lake, I understand the importance of a visually pleasing working environment. When I visit Magis, I feel very much at home because right outside the front door there is a group of Puppies, just like at my studio next to my table, inspiring me towards new ideas and products.
Heartfelt thanks to Magis for a great partnership.
I wish you the very best on your 40th birthday,
and an exciting journey towards many new adventures!
エーロ・アールニオ / Eero Aarnio

Puppy / Photo courtesy of Square_share https://www.instagram.com/square_share/
Products developped for Magis:
•Flying Carpet
•Happy Bird
•Happy Bird mini
Eero Aarnio | エーロ・アールニオ
1957年インステテュート オブ インダスを卒業。
翌年発表した「Ball Chair(ボールチェアー)」が世界的に高い評価を受け、彼の名を世界に知らしめた。