Magis 40周年に寄せて ー ハイメ・アジョン



The first time I visited Perazza was many years ago, at the old Magis factory. I was hoping to have a chat with him, to start a collaboration with Magis. With me was my girlfriend (now wife) Nienke, who collaborates with me and has always traveled together with me.






The conversation with Perazza flowed, but one thing led to another and he ended up looking at Nienke’s artwork instead of my work! He became very interested in her creativity, and asked Nienke to design some mirrors – I think they were funny ones that changed the appearance of those who looked into them. Eventually, that project was abandoned, and I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Magis for many years now.





But I recall this story fondly, because it reminds me that Perazza is someone who is truly interested in every creative person, not just designers, and is not afraid to seek inspiration from unexpected places.


ハイメ・アジョン / Jaime Hayón



Piña / Photo courtesy of Merarchitects


Products developped for Magis:

Piña Low Chair
Piña Rocking chair
Piña Low Table


jaime hayonJaime Hayón | ハイメ・アジョン

マドリッドとパリで工業デザインを学んだ後、1997年にはベネトンによって資金を供給されたデザインおよびコミュニケーションアカデミーである、ファブリカに参加し、高名なクリエイティブディレクターであり活動家のオリビエーロ・トスカーニと共に仕事をする。そこで学生の立場ながら、デザイン責任者に抜擢される。 MAGISにはそのころから顔を出しており、マジスCEOのユージニオ・ペラッツァは彼の才能を見抜き、新しいプロジェクトを立ち上げるにあたって彼に仕事を依頼した。