The key to everything Magis is and does is Signor Perazza.
Eugenio Perazza, the founder and ‘head’ of Magis… that´s what he calls himself: the head (and he would tap his index finger against his forehead while saying this).
Did you notice that the cover of previous Magis catalogues always featured a mule´s head. In Wikipedia it says, “It has been claimed that mules are “more patient, sure-footed, hardy and long-lived than horses, and they are considered less obstinate, faster, and more intelligent than donkeys.” “Patient, sure-footed, hardy and long-lived… and faster and more intelligent than donkeys”.That´s what Perazza loves to think of Magis, being the mule against the other donkeys.
It has to be said that Perazza is not the easiest person. You either do or do not get on with him. He can be a beautifully gentle and loving person, but at the same time he is quite a strong-headed man (head!). It took time for me to build a close relationship with Perazza, but for many years now I have enjoyed being amongst the close circle of designers he loves to work with. And I love working with him! So much so, he is without doubt my favorite, closest and most inspiring ally in the industry.
新しいプロジェクト、新しい冒険・・・。彼はそれを愛しているし、新しいチャレンジに立ち向かうことに対して全く恐れを抱きません。マジスは彼の人生です。彼はマジスを創りあげ、今も創り続けています。常に休みなくマジスのことを考えています。私たちは、ペラッツァにとって8月は一年で最も悲しい月だろうとからかいます。なぜなら、イタリアでは夏季休暇のため8月は全国的に休みになり、何もかもストップしてしまうからです。 かわいそうに、彼は8月には、自分のおもちゃを取り上げられたように感じるのではないでしょうか。おもちゃとは彼の会社のことです。
Perazza – the head – is always tinkering with ideas about new projects for Magis.
New projects, new adventures – he loves that and he is absolutely fearless about looking for new challenges, always. Magis is his life. He invented it, and he keeps re-inventing it. He thinks about Magis constantly, non-stop. In the office we joke about the fact that Italian summer holidays (they are obligatory, the whole country shuts down during the month of August) must be the saddest days of the year for Perazza. Poor Perazza. In August it must feel like someone is stealing his toy from him. The toy is his company, and with it come the people working there.
マジスは、ペラッツァの家族でもあります。 彼はそこで働く人のことを本当に気遣い、責任を感じています。私たちデザイナーのこともその家族の一員と考えていて、彼は私たちのことも同じように気にかけてくれます。ペラッツァは、たいてい一日に一回、私に電話をかけてきます。必ずしも急ぎの要件があるわけではなく、むしろつながりのために。少なくとも一日に一回です。彼は、私のことを気にかけていると示すためにかけているのだと思います。そしてもちろん同時に、私が彼やマジスのことを考えていることを確かめるためでもあります。
Magis is Perazza´s family. He really cares for everyone there and feels responsible for them. As designers we are part of that family and that means that he cares for us in the same way. Perazza normally calls me once a day… not always to discuss urgent matters, but rather to connect. At least once a day. I guess it is his way of saying that he is thinking of me, that he cares. And at the same time, of course, he wants to be assured that I am also thinking about him/Magis.
As a matter of fact, we are… normally. Magis is a constant in my office. There are probably very few days in the year (not even the Italian summer holidays) during which we are not working for Magis. There is a continuous flow of projects, a permanent exchange of ideas, thoughts, info, data, pictures, drawings, samples. It is such an easy and productive way to work when there is a steady dialogue.
We don´t only work with Perazza, of course: there is a small team of engineers at Magis. Young people, very smart, very motivated, very nice. Its a great joy working with them, really. Perazza assigns one of his technical staff to each designer. We work with Matteo Zattarin. We have probably been working with him for more than ten years. It helps a great deal knowing each other so well. As with Perazza, the relationship we have with Matteo is much more than professional… it has become a real friendship.
Perazza´s son Alberto runs the business side of Magis, while his wife Barbara Minetto is responsible for marketing. It´s a set-up which works.Perazza enjoys the freedom of working on his projects, thinking ahead (head!), further and further… while there is a very sound foundation backing it all up. Typical Magis. Typical mule. Faster-thinking and more intelligent than the others.
コンスタンティン・グルチッチ / Konstantin Grcic

Traffic / Photo courtesy of Deloudis
Products developped for Magis:
•Spike – The Wild Bunch
•Tyke – The Wild Bunch
•Butch – The Wild Bunch
•Cuckoo – The Wild Bunch
•Sam Son
•Tom and Jerry – The Wild Bunch
•Topsy – The Wild Bunch
•Tuffy – The Wild Bunch
Konstantin Grcic | コンスタンティン・グルチッチ
1965年、ドイツ・ミュンヘン生まれ。イギリスで木工家具を学んだ後、1990 年にロンドン・ロイヤルカレッジ・オブ・アート(RCA)を卒業。
ジャスパー・モリソンの事務所に勤務後、91 年に「コンスタンティン・グルチッチ・インダストリアルデザイン(KGID)」を設立。マジスをはじめ世界をリードするメーカーのプロダクトデザインを幅広く手掛ける。2001年、FLOS社から発表された「MAY DAY」がコンパッソ・ドーロ賞を受賞するなど、数々のデザイン賞を受賞。多くの作品がニュ-ヨ-ク近代美術館等のパーマネントコレクションに選定されている。
2015年には英Wallpaper誌主催のデザインアワードで「デザイナーオブザイヤー」を受賞、2016年から開催の第一回ミラノサローネ国際家具見本市アワード(Salone del Mobile.Milano Award)ではベスト・デザイナーに選ばれるなど、世界を舞台に今最も活躍するインダストリアルデザイナーのひとり。