I feel that when I collaborate with Magis, they seek for something uniqueness, freshness and friendliness in my work. So I naturally start drawing things with a sense of affection and this mutual respect and understanding build our work and relationship.
Another important thing about Magis is that we work so closely with a huge number of local engineering and producing collaborators as well as having a talented and dedicated internal design team to make the best decision of the best. Then when we make a certain decision we believe, we go fast. This makes the difference.
深澤直人 / Naoto Fukasawa
Products developped for Magis:
•Déjà-vu Chair
•Déjà-vu Stool
•Déjà-vu Table
•Déjà-vu Mirror
•Pizza Table
Naoto Fukasawa | 深澤直人
2003年にはNaoto Fukasawa Design設立。2006年Jasper Morrisonと共に “Super Nomal”を設立。
21_21 Design Sightのディレクターや武蔵野美術大学教授、多摩美術大学客員教授も務める。